“It’s easy to find a lawyers professional program that’s competitive in one particular area of practice. That doesn’t work for an agency that primarily writes professional liability. You need programs that have a wide appetite. Attorneys Advantage fits that. They write all kinds of law firms, sizes, locations and areas of practice and they are extremely competitive across the board."
“The overall professionalism and customer service we’ve received from Aon since day one has been top notch. Aon’s quick turnaround on quotes is outstanding. The insurance policy form offered by Attorney’s Advantage is one of the best insurance policies I’ve reviewed, which makes it easy to sell professional liability to the law firms we work with.”
“Our goal is to make comprehensive and cost-effective professional liability and other business insurance products a quick, seamless process for the legal community.””
“It’s rewarding to work with brokers who know how to sell the advantages of the Aon Attorneys Advantage Program. Anyone can sell price. Our brokers leverage our industry-leading coverage form; value-added risk management content and our carrier’s financial stability to sell our program; not just price.”