The Aon Attorneys Advantage risk education program was jointly created by Aon and Wilson Elser LLP. Wilson Elser has over 800 attorneys in 31 offices across the U.S. It is ranked among the top 100 law firms identified by
The American Lawyer and is listed in the “Top 50” by The N
ational Law Journal.*
Risk Management Resource Center
Wilson Elser's Lawyers Resource Center is a website designed to help law firms adopt a proactive approach to risk management that may help reduce professional liability exposures. It includes information and resources related to risk management, professional ethics and best practices, including:
- Three FREE continuing legal education credit hours
- Insightful articles on current legal issues
- A library of letter templates to assist with client representation
- 50-state surveys on topics such as punitive damages, liquor liability, and joint and several liability
- Links to state-specific resources
To login you will need the passcode provided to you upon enrollment in Attorneys Advantage. If you need assistance, please call
Download the Risk Management Resource guide (PDF)
Wilson Elser Risk Management Hotline
Speaking with an attorney at the outset of a potential claim can often be the most important step in achieving a positive resolution and can help alleviate your anxiety. In today’s litigious environment, in which even a small error can result in a claim, this free legal service is a valuable resource for Aon Attorneys Advantage policyholders.
The Wilson Elser Risk Management Hotline provides Aon Attorneys Advantage Professional Liability Insurance policyholders with:
- Up to three FREE hours of confidential legal consultation from attorneys with extensive experience in lawyers professional liability
- Assistance on a vast array of legal issues, including pre-claim counseling, contract provision reviews and risk management counseling
Call toll free 844.ATTY.ADV (844.288.9238)
*The Lawyers Risk Management Resource Center website is not intended to provide legal advice for a specific situation or to create an attorney-client relationship unless otherwise noted. The Wilson Elser Risk Management Hotline is not a substitute for reporting a claim. To be eligible for coverage, claims must be reported using the procedures set forth in your insurance policy.
Wilson Elser has agreed to provide the Lawyers Risk Management Resource Center and Hotline as services to Aon Attorneys Advantage policyholders. By using these services, Aon Attorneys Advantage policyholders acknowledge that Wilson Elser is not their attorney and that no attorney-client relationship is created between Wilson Elser and the Aon Attorneys Advantage policyholder.